
Thermo Q-Exactive HF (High-field Orbitrap)-new 2020

The Orbitrap utilizes electrospray ionization (ESI) or nano-electrospray ionization, and features high sensitivity and high resolution (up to 240,000 FHMW) for accurate mass analysis (< 5 ppm). It includes the BioPharma option which extends the mass analyzer up to 8,000 m/z and also allows proteins ions to be more easily measured. This instrument can analyze compounds from 50-200,000 Da, and is capable of tandem MS. The Orbitrap is best utilized for exact mass measurements, structural elucidation, and pure compound analysis experiments.

In addition, the Orbitrap system is equipped with a high performance liquid chromatography system for sample separation, enabling its use for LC-MS and LC-MS/MS experiments.

This instrument was purchased with a NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10 award).  Please cite award # 1S10OD025271-01A1 in your publications.

Bruker UltraFlextreme MALDI TOF/TOF

Our MALDI instrument utilizes a 2kHz SmartBeam laser for very rapid acquisitions.  MALDI or matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization allows for easy sample preparation as a sample is simply spotted with a matrix material on a steel plate.  This instrument is capable of accurate mass measurements of peptides, polymers, and oligonucleotides and can also rapidly measure proteins up to 600,000 Da in mass. The MALDI instrument typically generates singly-charged ions and is more tolerant of salt contamination.

This instrument was purchased with a NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10 award).  Please cite award # S10OD018913-01A1 in your publications.

Agilent 6420A triple-quadrupole with Infinity II HPLC

The Agilient 6420 is a triple quadrupole instrument equipped with an electrospray ionization source. It is best for routine quantitation down to the low ppb level.

Waters XEVO G2 qTOF

The XEVO quadrupole-TOF instrument includes a nanoFlow ESI source as well as a Trizaic source coupled to a nanoAcquity UPLC for plug-and-play nanoflow chromatography. With typical resolutions of >20,000 FHMW, accurate mass measurements around 5 ppm, and combined with proprietary data analysis technologies, the XEVO instrument is ideal for high-throughput proteomics and metabolomics experiments. 

The XEVO instrument is currently available for submitted samples only.